"D&A is committed to providing personal client service with innovative value"
Services: Flood Control/Stormwater Engineering
D&A has wide-ranging experience in flood control and stormwater studies and design. Our projects range from drainage masterplanning for communities to hydrology and hydraulic studies for bridge/roadway expansions to FEMA studies for large scale developments to design of stormwater improvements. The information below provides and overview of the services we provide. For more information and a list of references please contact us at 916-933-1997. Additional contact information can be found on our contacts page.
Planning Services include:
- Drainage system masterplanning for large and small communities and new development projects
- Drainage system modeling using XP-SWMMM and EPA-SWMMM
- Open channel hydraulic modeling using HEC-RAS, HEC-2, UNET, River 2D and Culvert HY-8
- Hydrologic Modeling using HEC-HMS and HEC-1
- Bridge and culvert hydrologic and hydraulic analysis (H&H), including CalTrans Location Hydraulic Studies
- Bridge and culvert scour analysis
- Dam Break Analysis
- Feasibility studies
- Infrastructure rehabilitation plans
- GIS database preparation and updating
- Dam inundation studies using 2D software meeting DSOD 2017 requirements
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) Application preparation
- Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Application preparation
Drainage and Flood Control Infrastructure Design Services include:
- Drainage gravity and pressure pipeline design
- Drainage inlet design
- Rehabilitation of existing systems
- Storm Drain Pump Station Design
- Flood Control Storage reservoirs
- Weir overflow design
- Levee design
Permitting Services include:
- Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB)
- CEQA/NEPA Environmental documentation
- Exemption documentation (if applicable)
- Encroachment permit documentation
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development and monitoring (using SMARTS)
- Erosion and sediment control plan development
- CalTrans permitting
Construction Services include:
- Engineering services during construction
- Submittal/RFI review
- Change order review
- Specialty inspection and testing services
- Full Construction Management
Additional services include:
- Grant writing and administration