"D&A is committed to providing personal client service with innovative value"

Services: Water/Wastewater Engineering

D&A has extensive experience in water and wastewater system planning and design for water purveyors and large scale developments.  The information below provides and overview of the services we provide.  For more information and a list of references please contact us at 916-933-1997.  Additional contact information can be found on our contacts page.

Planning Services include:

  • Water and wastewater masterplanning for municipalities and new development projects
  • Water and wastewater system modeling using H2ONet, H2OMap, WaterCAD, CyberNet and EPANet
  • Feasibility studies
  • Infrastructure rehabilitation plans
  • GIS database preparation and updating

Water Infrastructure Design Services include:

  • Distribution pipeline design
  • Gravity pipeline design
  • Odor control design
  • Rehabilitation of existing systems
  • Raw water diversions and pipeline design
  • Pressure and flow regulating station design
  • Raw water canal design
  • Domestic and fire booster pump station design
  • Well down-hole design
  • Well pump and site design
  • Treated water storage tank design (including elevated tanks)
  • Lined and unlined storage reservoirs

Permitting Services include:

  • CEQA/NEPA Environmental documentation
  • Exemption documentation (if applicable)
  • Encroachment permit documentation
  • Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development and monitoring (using SMARTS)
  • Erosion and sediment control plan development
  • CalTrans permitting
  • California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Permitting

Construction Services include:

  • Engineering services during construction
  • Submittal/RFI review
  • Change order review
  • Specialty inspection and testing services
  • Full Construction Management


Additional services include:

  • Grant writing and administration
  • State Revolving Fund (SRF) application preparation and administration
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) application preparation and administration
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development grant application preparation and administration
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant application preparation and administration